





1. Farte Blanche – permission to fart freely

無的放「屁」: 隨心所欲地排氣

2. Bropocalypse- a large gathering a bros on a mission to get drunk

不醉不「哥」 : 兄弟們齊聚一堂要喝個爛醉

3. Make It Snow – to throw diamonds or cocaine in the air.

揮鑽如雪: 將鑽石或古柯鹼灑至空中(誇飾),喻比富有還更富有

4. Dankrupt – to be out of marijuana

戒草 : 遠離大麻的誘惑

5. Moobs – excessive breast fat on a male

男乳症 : 男性胸部的多餘脂肪

6. Clam Jam – the female version have a cock block

「慾蚌」相爭 : 女版的「慾棒」相爭

7. Nocialize – to ignore friends in public for your smartphone

社交低頭族 : 與朋友在外不理睬友人,只顧講手機

8. Meat Sweats – to perspire while eating large amounts of meat.

滿「汗」大餐 : 因為食用過多的肉而排汗

9. Screwvenir – items kept after sleeping with someone

「雞」念品 : 和某人共度春宵後,帶走物品留念

10. YOLO – Carpe Diem for stupid people

你只活一次(You Only Live Once) : 愚昧人士及時行樂的思維

11. Beef walk –

Going outside or away from the group in order to fart with less consequence.

走「屁」看花 : 走到戶外或遠離人群以減少放屁造成的尷尬





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