It would be great to be rich!

If you are rich,you can buy anything you want and everything is a steal.
While other pepole are trying to cut corners and save money,
you can live it up and do anything you want.

You could sleep all day and shop all night.
You could buy up all the things you like.
You could buy so many things the shop owners would complain they are sold out of all the fashionable things.

When you are well-off, you don't have to think about how you can earn a living because your only job is to keep getting richer and richer.
While others are trying to get out from under all the debt they have, you can sit by the pool and spend the whole day deraming about things you can buy.

No, you know what?I really don't think you'd be better off rich.
Money can't buy satifaction and the love of family and friends.

I wouldn't trade in my life for all the gold in the world.
I'm already rich in my heart!

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